Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, better known collectively as STEM, have become a national focus for educators and employers. Managing our lives and businesses has become techno-centric and data-driven, so it stands to reason that the skills required for innovating and creating today’s and tomorrow’s apps, products, and devices will rely heavily on a workforce of STEM savvy, critical thinking individuals.
Math and science literacy are the keys to easily clearing the academic hurdles for STEM success. The STEM Skills online platform presents a framework to strengthen the skill sets of students that have challenges with STEM topics.
The primary mission of STEM Skills is to emphasize the importance of math and science proficiency. The platform get.stemskills.online is a combination of basic, intermediate and advanced math and science courses, to include general science courses for introducing and/or reinforcing the required STEM course material for various paths of study.
The online content of STEM Skills is designed to engage students, parents and non-traditional learners for the reinforcement of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.